Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A wait till life...

It was last Sunday

I thought it will be fun-day..

A long distance drive..

everything seemed to be fine..

In front of timezone.

Dribbling with the phone.

Those three and half hour..

don't look like my own...

Just wonder why I was there..

mind was some where..

just to take a glance

ready to spend a year..

The place was noisy..

even I was getting lousy..

but I had to wait..

to decide my fate...

ever she agree to me..

that would be a life

or I would just call

my wait for the life..

don't know if it will survive

when its gonna die..

or it will continue

as my wait for life

My wait for life

my wait till life...

A wait till life

A wait for life..

In wait....



moyhasalljoy@gmail.com said...

nomura is cmming to my collg 4 plcmnts pls guide me.
m an it engg.

Unknown said...

nice..pretty cute n very much unlike what i know f u...loks cn b deceptive..keep writing..may be u wl get sm1 b4 u turn 35...hehe